Any question involving Speed Distance Time
can be solved with this triangle...
and... your thumb
Oh, and a bit of multiplication and division...
But let`s worry about the
They key here is COVER. You COVER the letter of the element that you are looking for.
1) Here's a sample question...
You drive at a speed of 50 km per hour for 2.5 hours. What distance will you have driven?
Let's get that thumb out!
You COVER the letter of the element that you are looking for. (Distance) The S and T are next to each other, so you need to multiply the values.
You drive at a speed of 50 km per hour for 2.5 hours. What distance will you have driven?
50 X 2.5 = 125 What distance will you have driven? 125 km.
2) Here's another sample question...
You drive a distance of 125 miles at a speed of 50 km per hour. How much time will it take you?
Let's get that thumb out!
You COVER the letter of the element that you are looking for. (Time) The D is on top of the S, so you need to divide.
You drive a distance of 125 miles at a speed of 50 km per hour. How much time will it take you?
125 divided by 50 = 2.5 2.5 hours.
3) Here's a third sample question...
You drive a distance of 125 miles in 2.5 hours. What was your average speed?
Let's get that thumb out!

COVER the letter of the element that you are looking for. (
The D is on top of the T, so you need to divide.
You drive a distance of 125 miles in 2.5 hours. What was your average speed?
125 divided by 2.5 = 50 50 mph.
So how do you remember which letter goes where on this triangle? Which, by the way, is worth its weight in gold....
Easy... just thing of the Top Dog...
and guess what? The order of the S and T doesn't really matter. You'll get the same answer if the S and T are reversed. The important thing is to keep that DOG on top.
Work SMART and not HARD