Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Do you know "Y" you were intercepted Part Three

"Do you know "Y" you were intercepted?" Part Three

 Which line has the equation          y = x + 6

Ok, smarty pants. What if 2 lines cross at the same spot and both have positive slopes? What then? (In this case, lines 5 and 8)
Then, we have to work out the slope of lines 5 and 8.
Think of jogging. If you want to go for a run up a slope in the morning, you must rise first before you run.

So...    to calculate the slope of a line...
use the formula...             slope = rise
Rise divided by run.
Rise is the vertical distance between two points on a slope. Run is the horizontal distance between two points on a slope.
Pick any 2 spots on line #5. Try to pick spots at the corners of the underlying grid.
slope = rise   2   = 1    run    2
Pick any 2 spots on line #8. Try to pick spots at the corners of the underlying grid.
slope = rise   4   = 2    run    2
Which line has the equation          y = x + 6
(Remember that this question can be written as y = 1x + 6. By convention, in algebra, the "1" in front of a letter or variable can be dropped for convenience.)
The slope of the line is associated with the value in front of the "x" in the given equation. The free floating number (in this case the "6"), is the place on the Y axis where the line crosses or intercepts.
Has to be line 5 for your answer, as it has a slope of 1. You are done.
Work SMART not HARD.