Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pass The GED - Tips and Tricks

Many times it is the little things that stand between passing and failing. 

Here's a video to help everyone pass the GED exam by dealing with those little things.

Find the video here.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Khan Academy 200 Videos

The Florida Literacy Coalition 

has put together a playlist of   200

math instruction videos from the
Khan Academy. 

Here's the link...

Press here

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Don't Call it Algebra (And Nobody Will Know!)

The word Algebra can be intimidating to GED students.

Many people have this conception of Algebra...

I always tell my students that they did algebra back in Grade 2 but they just didn't know it.

Grade 1 -    1 + 1 = ▭

We followed the directions and added the 2 numbers together and wrote "2" in the box.

1 + 1 = 2

Grade 2  Day 1

1 + 1 = ▭

We followed the directions and added the 2 numbers together and wrote "2" in the box.

Grade 2  Day 2

1 + ▭ = 4

We followed the directions and added the 2 numbers together and wrote "5" in the box.

1 + 5 = 4

It looked wrong, and we knew it was wrong, but we followed the directions that said we had to add the two numbers together and put the answer in the box.

After a leap in our thinking, we were able to say that...

1 + "something" = 4

That "something" is 3. 

1 + 3 = 4

1 + ▭ = 4        The ▭ = 3

So how about 1 + x = 4?

"x" is just a ▭                  x = 3

I tell my students that they did Algebra in Grade 2 so they can certainly do it now in GED study.