Wednesday, April 30, 2014

GED Pep Talk - Tips for passing the exam.

A.  Mindset

1.       The FACT that you have made it as far as registering means you are likely to PASS


B. Practical Issues Before the Exam - Reducing Stress

1.      Go to the test site ahead of time. Time the trip so you know how long it will take to get there. Check out the parking. Do you have to pay? Do you need change/tokens? Are you going by bus? If so, know the bus schedule.

2.      Find out where the room is so you are not wasting time on the day looking for it.

3.      Sort out overnight accommodation if you are not going to go home on the Friday night.

4.      Clear your schedule for Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. Make sure somebody else is covering your chores/duties/childcare, etc.

5.      Plan a “treat” event (shopping, restaurant, etc.) that you will do immediately after the exam as a reward for all your hard work.

6.      Make a cheat-sheet of all the things you are afraid you might forget (tips and tricks you have learned, definitions, times tables, etc.) and study this sheet.

7.      Get a good night’s sleep on the Thursday night before the exam. Make sure you have arranged things so you will get a good night’s sleep on the Friday night as well. Stay away from alcohol.


C.   On Exam Day

1.      Arrive at least ½ hour early so you are not feeling rushed or panicked. Give yourself extra time on your journey to handle things like detours, construction, accidents, etc.

2.      Dress in layers and take a hat. MOST PLACES HAVE 2 TEMPERATURES - TOO HOT or TOO COLD. The air conditioning might be cranked up or the heating might not be working properly. Being uncomfortable will be a mjor distraction to you.

3.      Do not eat a big meal before the exam. This might make you sleepy. Instead, eat a small meal of energy foods like pasta. Take along some energy bars or trail mix to snack on.

4.      Sip on water to help you stay awake and to keep you hydrated. No coffee is allowed in the exam room so keep your supply outside in an insulated container. Caffeine can improve concentration in some people.

5.      If you prefer to sit in a particular part of the room, ask to do so. Sitting at the back reduces the number of people around you who may distract you with coughing, paper shuffling, etc.

6.      Study your cheat sheet until the last moment.


D.The Friday Exam

1.      Immediately write down everything you can remember from your cheat sheet onto the blank paper that is given to you. Take a deep breath and start the exam knowing that you will pass.

2.      Look at your watch and determine when your time will be half up. When you get to this time, make sure you have completed at least half the questions. If you haven’t, you need to speed up. If you have completed more than half the questions, you can slow down a bit.

3.      You will likely pass the GED exam if you use the 4-step method.

a)      Scan the exam and complete the questions that are the easiest. Skip over any questions that you don't know. Aim to do half the questions. If you answer each of these questions correctly, you will already have passed.

b)      Go back and go over the questions you skipped. Chances are you may have suddenly remembered how to do a question or another question will have triggered your memory. Continue to skip questions that you don't know.

c)      Look at each question you skipped. If they are multiple choice, scratch off 3 of the 5 answers that you feel are obviously wrong. Pick one of the two remaining answers. Chances are your first guess will be right.

d)     With any remaining questions, GUESS! You have a 1 in 5 chance of being right, which is better than the 0 in 5 chance you have by not answering.

4.      Stay until the very end of every exam section unless you are absolutely sure you have passed. Do not be pressured by others who are leaving early. DO NOT be pressured by the examiner looking at the clock, shuffling papers, etc., trying to hurry you up. Keep your head down and stay focussed.

5.      For the section with the Essay and Grammar, write the essay first. You do not want to be thinking about how you will write your essay while trying to complete the grammar multiple choice questions.


E.   After The Friday Night Exam

1.      Go straight home or to where you are going to stay the night. Do not discuss the exam questions with anyone. This will only make you more worried.

2.      Stay away from alcohol

3.      Go straight to bed when you get home.


F.   Saturday Morning

1.      Get up early. Eat a decent breakfast.

2.      Pack a healthy lunch. You do not want to worry about having to look for a cafeteria, restaurant, etc. at lunch, especially if you have to leave the site.

3.      Arrive at least ½ hour early so you are not feeling rushed or panicked. Give yourself extra time on your journey to handle things like detours, construction, accidents, etc.

4.      Dress in layers and take a hat.


G. The Saturday Exam

1.      Keep sipping water and snacking on energy bars throughout the morning.

2.      Find a place to eat lunch by yourself. If you sit with others, you will likely talk about the finished parts of the exam and lose your focus. You cannot change your answers, so talking about them will serve no purpose other than to worry you.

3.      Follow the same advice for the Friday night exam. Complete all questions using the 4 step method and use the entire time period for each section.


H. After the Exam

1.      Go on your treat activity and forget about your exam.

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