Thursday, July 16, 2015

Neat Trick for Squares - Well Some of Them

If you are squaring a number that ends in 5, your answer will end in 25.

There's the early Christmas present...

That's the easy part. What about the hard part?

There isn't one...


You know your answer will end in 25...
Now, multiply the first digit (the 1 in 15) by ONE larger (2)
1 x 2 = 2
Stick the 2 in front of the 25 and you have your answer...
Try squaring 25...
You know your answer will end in 25...
Now, multiply the first digit (the 2 in 25) by ONE larger (3)
2 x 3 = 6
Stick the 6 in front of the 25 and you have your answer...
Still not convinced?
Try squaring 35...
You know your answer will end in 25...
Now, multiply the first digit (the 3 in 25) by ONE larger (4)
3 x 4 = 12
Stick the 12 in front of the 25 and you have your answer...

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