Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Do you know "Y" you were "intercepted"?

Look familiar? - Which line has the equation
 y = x + 6
These questions look harder than they are.
First of all, image you have been driving along and are suddenly "intercepted" by the police.
"Do you know "y" you were intercepted?" is probably the question you will be asked.
The key to this question is the "y" intercept, or the location at which the line crosses (intercepts) the "y" or vertical axis. (For some reason, nobody really cares about the poor old "x" axis. As with all "ex's", they are best left forgotten.)
y = x + 6 
The free floating number here is the 6. The only line that crosses/intercepts the "y"axis at 6 is line 5. Job done. You are finished.
Work SMART, not HARD!

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